Number 1 in exhibition construction

work4all as an all-in-one software solution for exhibition construction

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With work4all, you cover all commercial processes in your company: creating quotes, orders, (partial) invoices, packing lists, and even transferring data to DATEV—the service spectrum is tailored to trade fair construction. Use just one software for CRM (address management, communication), ERP (inventory management, scheduling, warehousing), and project management.

Various additional features such as time tracking, the work4all app for technicians and project managers at the event, digital warehouse integration, and connection to online banking make work4all the all-in-one solution for the event industry.

Ein Macbook Bildschirm zeigt eine geöffnete Kundenakte und ein Handy Bildschirm zeigt einen Screenshot der Projektzeiterfassung.

Long-standing clients in the industry

Das Logo von unserem Kunden Blickfang Messebau.
Das Logo von unserem Kunden Fundus7.
Das Logo von unserem Kunden fwd:Servicegesellschaft.
Das Logo von unserem Kunden Metzler Vater.
Das Logo von unserem Kunden Rappenglitz.
Das Logo von unserem Kunden WUM Brand Spaces.


In the Exhibition and event industry Everything on the work4all desktop revolves around the event: Communication (CRM) and commercial processes are assigned to it. All infos are at a glance visible to every employee — work4all as a central control element for the organization.

Market leader in Germany in the area of exhibition stand construction

Many years of expertise in trade fair and event business

Standard software with proven processes

Yet many options for configuration

Good value for money

Satisfied users

Mobile access via app and browser

More than 120 companies from the exhibition and event industry use work4all

“We have been a work4all customer since 2018, and over the years, the software has become the core of our commercial processes and project organization.”

Michael Lex

Managing Director of Max Rappenglitz GmbH

PROJECT: Every exhibition stand is a project

Project management in exhibition construction means managing every exhibition stand as a project. In addition, there are head projects for the trade fair itself in work4all, which brings together all exhibition stands that you build at a trade fair.

ERP: Business issues under control

With work4all's commercial modules, you can cover the topics of quotation preparation, order processing, packing lists, scheduling, warehousing and many more. All without “digital gaps” in software.

CRM: communication in one place

In trade fair construction, CRM means bringing together all communication with a customer and a trade fair stand with the customer in one place. Whether it's a phone call, email, customer documents or a personal conversation — all of your employees have the same level of information as a result.

APP: All information available at the trade fair

Time tracking, packing lists, delivery notes, warehouse booking, travel expenses... this and more can also be accessed while on the go via the work4all app.

Your all-in-one solution

Features for exhibition construction and events

Disposition/inventory preview

This special topic is about the scheduling of equipment rental, both of own and customer material. Specifically: When do we need how many bar stools for which event? With work4all, you have an overview of your trade fairs or events as well as the daily rental stocks of your items.

Dispositionsübersicht mit drei verschiedenen Status: OK, teilweise Überbucht und teilweise kritisch
Projektmanagement Plankalender

Project planning via plan calendar

In exhibition construction, you have to manage many projects that require planning not only various rental and storage materials, but also fitters or subcontractors. Specifically: Which of my employees still has capacity for our customer Igento at Anuga?

The plan calendar provides clarity when managing multiple projects by displaying projects or project tasks and scheduling real or planned appointments for your employees.

work4all SHOP - The digital platform for your customers

Are your customers becoming more demanding and looking for ways to avoid the constant back and forth of material and availability lists? As a trade fair builder, how can I provide my customers with an online tool in which the customer can manage their events and see the inventory of their customer material?

With work4all SHOP, your customer gets a “branded” web shop where they can see their trade fair articles and customer material and order them for their events. Even the inventory of the articles can be viewed. All of this can help to retain customers more through digital collaboration.

Grafik work4all und die Schnittstelle zu webshops.
Artikelansicht in der work4all App

Mobile warehouse scanners for barcodes

Exhibition construction means dynamic work; you have to react quickly to local needs. A spontaneous “we still need 3 red bar stools” are everyday topics that cause fewer problems in procurement, but which are often “slurped” in commercial post-processing. With Lager Mobil, you have everything under control with warehouse scanners on site at the trade fair and in your warehouse via barcode.

Exhibition stand construction & event

Feature overview

Project management for trade fairs, events and events

Mobile barcode warehouse scanners for a digital warehouse

Integrated CRM, ERP, and project management

Storage of project documents (DMS)

Dispatch module for checking material availability

On-site use by fitters and project managers via tablet or mobile phone

Plan calendar for planning resources and staff for events

Web shop as a customer platform for organizing trade fairs with your company

Time tracking for project and working hours

High customer satisfaction — with best-in-class grades!

As in previous years, work4all ranks among the top software providers in various survey categories in the Trovarit user study!

The study is solely based on customer reviews. work4all received top satisfaction scores in, among others, the following areas:

Overall satisfaction

Usability/mobile usability

Value for money

Expertise & speed of support

Goal achievement & meeting deadlines