Increase transparency in sales

Sales opportunities for the sales organization and the corporate forecast.

Balkendiagramm mit Verkaufschancen

Sales opportunities (or “leads”) help manage sales activities. In work4all, they not only serve as an organizational tool, but also as a basis for the forecast. Sales opportunities are automatically created from offers in work4all and are therefore fully integrated into all commercial processes — including various evaluations.

Maintain an overview

Maintaining an overview of sales activities and thus making the future somewhat predictable is challenging. Evaluated sales opportunities up to forecasts support your sales team.

Verkaufschancen Tabellenübersicht
Tabelle mit Erfolgsquoten

Success rates as a measurement tool

Success rates from converted offers to orders help to incentivize sales staff and obtain realistic assessments of sales opportunities.


In the daily information, each sales colleague is shown the number of open sales opportunities. In addition, this is a reminder of neglected sales opportunities. Together with Follow-ups (even in combination with tasks or tickets), you have the sales department under control for the forecast from an organizational and commercial point of view.

Verkaufschancen in der Tagesinfo angezeigt
Verkaufschancen Balkendiagramm

Evaluations and forecasts

Various evaluations of sales opportunities, by employee or group, up to forecasts, help decision makers maintain an overview.

CRM/sales opportunities

Feature overview

Filter options by employee, status, types and date

Export to Excel

Transformation and linking of offers

Automatic retrieval from threshold value in offers

Graphical evaluations and daily reports via email

Classification and evaluation by group

Custom fields

Assignment to projects

Evaluation in the forecast

Link to offers and orders