Manage addresses centrally

A database of customers, suppliers, business partners and projects

Grafik Kontaktverwaltung in work4all

A central database for all addresses of customers, suppliers, business partners, and projects across the entire company serves as the core of good organization! Work4All prevents duplicates and quickly finds the right contact person with all their previous communication through the quick search feature — synchronized with Outlook and your mobile data for on-the-go access. Grouping and categorizing contacts provide the basis for evaluations and marketing actions.

Everything at a glance

The so-called work4all desk shows the business partner's master data, such as address, contact details, contacts and even commercial figures, such as sales or open items. Through integration with your telephone system (TAPI), you can call your business partner directly from work4all and immediately identify the incoming calls.

Kundenakte mit Ansprechpartnern und ERP / CRM Dokumenten sowie Projekten, Termine, Notizen

Finding instead of searching

With the quick search, you can not only find contacts and projects in the blink of an eye, but also commercial documents, such as offers or invoices. You set the search options once and type everything into a central search field.

Search by personal data

Search by company data

Search by offers, invoices, documents, tickets, etc.

Search by projects

Synchronisation von work4all mit outlook am Desktop sowie Mobil

Synchronize contacts in Outlook or on mobile devices

work4all is your constant companion even on the go for business contacts and important information, which can be synchronized to Outlook and your mobile device. Smart settings also enable contact synchronization with contacts you have future appointments with.

The perfect overview

All address and communication data can be displayed in lists with just one click. For further use in sales and marketing, you can group, categorize, link and much more.

And the most important thing: The Import assistant handles data transfer from external programs like Excel or Outlook!

Kundenliste mit Gruppenübersicht
Dubletten Ankündigung

Contacts without duplicates

When you work with multiple colleagues in a contact database, redundant data is inevitable. These can be identified and combined using the assistant.

To prevent duplicates from the start, work4all warns you just in time!

Groups and categories as the basis for marketing activities

Business partners are initially categorized with appropriate marketing attributes in an organized structure. The action assistant in work4all ultimately supports you in creating mass mailings and managing marketing efforts!

Marketing Kategorien Auflistung
Telefonanlage eingehender Anruf

Start calls via work4all

You can call your contacts from customers, suppliers, or business partners directly via TAPI connection with your telephone system from work4all. Of course, it also works on the go with the work4all app!

CRM/contact management

Feature overview

Full text search with effective quick search

Grouping and categories for marketing

Duplicate assistant for checking redundant addresses

Automatic telephone dialing with connection to the telephone system (TAPI)

Potential analysis for customer evaluation based on sales, costs and buying behavior

Importing addresses from various sources (Excel, Outlook, etc.)

Synchronize contacts with Microsoft Office