One software, many languages

Use work4all in different languages or write customer documents in other languages.

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There are two areas of multilingualism in work4all: The language in which you write documents, offers, invoices, etc. to customers and the language in which you use work4all. Both are possible via work4all, and many languages are available.

Produkte oder Dienstleistung in anderen Sprachen

Products or services in other languages

If you also serve your customers in other languages, such as English, you can translate articles into several languages. Items in offers, invoices, etc. are then automatically translated into the foreign language. The special thing behind it: You can continue working with German articles, only the result appears in the foreign language.

Kundentext Deutsch und Englisch
Rechnung/Invoice auf Englisch abgebildet

Automatically create foreign language documents

With the configurable world of templates work4all can create foreign-language letter templates, document templates and commercial documents in your target language with just one click.

work4all in anderen Sprachen bedienen

work4all allows you to easily switch to other languages. Individual technical terms in work4all can be industry-specific or even company-specific, but you can select words with the “Alias” function and change them to suit your needs.

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Feature overview

Multilingual articles for offers, orders, delivery notes, invoices, orders, etc.

Multilingual document and letter templates

work4all can be translated into several languages

Alias function as a translation of individual words