Capture incoming invoices with minimal effort

Recording of incoming invoices including OCR

Übersicht Bedarfsmeldungen, Bestellungen, Eingangslieferscheine, Eingangsrechnungen

work4all desk - all information in one place

All commercial processes are clearly displayed in the supplier or project file. You can immediately see the status of the processes on the display!

Intuitive operation through drag-and-drop conversion

The demand report becomes an order via drag & drop, the order becomes an incoming invoice, etc. It couldn't be any easier! You will quickly master the processes in work4all and like the convenient operation.

Wandlung Angebot zu Auftrag im Rechnungswesen
Rechnungseingangsbuch mit Zahlungsstatus fällig, bezahlt oder offen

Digital invoice books

The incoming invoice book shows all invoices that are due or outstanding. The integrated online banking helps to pay open items.

FIBU export to Datev or other accounting programs

Incoming and outgoing invoices, receipts and credit card receipts, travel expense statements — all of this is recorded in work4all and can be conveniently transmitted via an interface to your financial accounting program or tax advisor. Not only are PDF documents exported, but stored revenue and cost accounts for accounting are also transferred.

Fibu Schnittstellen
OCR Zeichen

OCR as an aid for rapid recording

OCR means simplified text recognition from PDF documents. You simply drag several invoices from your e-mail invoice mailbox to work4all, work4all recognizes the creditor based on the email address and further document information such as gross amount, invoice number, IBAN, etc. We presented this shortly in the video (above).

ERP/ incoming invoices including OCR

Feature overview

Process for converting ERP objects via drag & drop

Direct access based on document number

OCR (text recognition) capture

Clear management of outstanding liabilities

Demand reports, orders, incoming delivery notes and invoices to suppliers

Direct connection/integration of online banking including SEPA payment flows

Convenient search function in lists