For a more efficient sales team

Create offers and calculations with just a few clicks


With pre-defined item master data and templates, offers can be created with just a few clicks. All master data is taken from the customer master data. Through CRM integration, these can be sent directly via email from work4all. Even the price calculation is integrated into the quote, ranging from simple markups on purchase prices to complex bill of materials calculations.

Create offers with just a few clicks

Commercial data such as payment term, discount, price group or different billing address are automatically taken into account from customer data when preparing offers. Header and final texts can also be automated based on text modules and forms.

Angebotsmaske mit allgemeinen Daten, Zahlund/Gültigkeit und Kundeninformation

Item-based offer preparation

A well-maintained article database makes it easier to create offers: Select an article, enter the quantity, and you're done!

Prices, texts (polyglot) and Stock availabilities are saved in the Item data. Alternatively, you can of course design individual offers very flexibly with vacant positions or headings.

Integrated delivery via email

work4all automatically converts the offer into a PDF file when you send it. With full integration of Microsoft Office, email offers are sent via Outlook with the associated convenience.

Maske Angebot per E-Mail versenden
Übersicht der Angebote

Offer tracking with reminders

At the push of a button, you have the list of your open offers on the screen and can use it to follow up. In addition, offer sales opportunities more detailed tracking of offers, including success statistics. Linked tasks, or tickets assist with Resubmission.

Convert offers into orders via drag & drop

The customer orders — you simply drag the offer into the order window and automatically create ready-to-ship Order confirmations, Packing lists, produktion orders, etc. That's it!

Wandlung Angebot in Auftrag
ERP/Supply Management and Calculation

Feature overview

Calculation as part of the offer or separately

Sending offers via email

price groups

Attachments when sending an offer

Preparation of offers based on items or free text input

List of titles on the first page of the offer

Flexible header and footer texts

Item images in offers

Optional/alternative prices or offer positions

Appealing forms with headings and subtotals

Sample templates for offers

Follow up on open offers

Convenient search functions

Evaluation of offers based on sales opportunities

Gross profit and contribution margins