Experience mobility

Mobile access to relevant company data via mobile phone or tablet

Dashboard Übersicht in der work4all App

Customer communication (CRM), commercial documents (ERP) and project management — with the work4all app, you have everything you need. With a mobile phone or tablet (iOS, Android or browser), you can access all information about customers, suppliers or projects and, among other things, enter contacts, tasks, tickets, orders or delivery notes and even have them signed digitally. The target group is employees from the areas of sales, key accounting, project management, assembly, service or senior employees who want to have company data and processes under control from anywhere.

Vier Samsung-Handybildschirme zeigen die App-Anwendung der Software Work4all mit den Funktionen Zeiterfassung, Lieferschein, Dashboard und Kundenakte.
Kundenakte in der work4all App

Always informed with the mobile file

Before you visit the customer, take a quick look at the customers— or Project file with offers, emails, telephone notes, documents, etc. and have access to all relevant data during the appointment. You have access to the entire communications (CRM) but also all commercial documents such as offers, orders, or invoices.

Your customer will be impressed with how organized you are!

Business dashboard for executives

The dashboard provides you with the most important company figures from all areas, always up-to-date and individual:

  • Monthly and annual revenue
  • Comparison with previous year's sales
  • Incoming orders
  • New customers and prospects
  • Open positions from customers and outstanding liabilities to suppliers
  • Employee vacation days
Dashboard Übersicht in der work4all App
digitale Auftragsbearbeitung in der work4all App

Order processing on site

The service technician records work hours, travel expenses, and materials such as spare parts on the delivery note/service report during the on-site job and gets the customer's mobile signature. The delivery note or service report is immediately available for billing in work4all. The case is documented and organized via dates or tickets — everything in the app available and traceable in work4all Desktop.

Arbeitszeiten überall erfassen

Homeoffice, Außendienst oder Vertrieb – Die Arbeitszeiterfassung ist immer dabei. Per Handy oder Tablet von unterwegs, über den Browser aus dem Lager oder über das Cockpit am Eingang des Büros, work4all bietet diverse Zugänge zur Zeiterfassung:

  • work4all Desktop
  • Touch-Cockpit am Büroeingang
  • Mobil per App auf iPhone Android (auch Tablet)
  • Mobil im Browser
Mobile Zeiterfassung in der work4all web app.
App & mobile/app & browser version

Feature overview

App for Android or iOS smartphones

Task management

Retrieve all customer, supplier and project data

Ticket processing

Processing service orders or delivery notes

Capture phone notes and contacts

Access to the item master for materials, spare parts, etc.

Sales statistics at customer and supplier level

Integration of the customer's electronic signature on orders & delivery notes

Dashboard with company figures such as total turnover, incoming orders, new customers and open items

Recording of working and project times

Schedule overview of all colleagues

Approval of ERP documents, e.g. approval of orders or invoices

Use of navigation, camera, voice control or call function