I see something you don't see...

Rights management for access to software functions, data and own companies

The aim of software such as work4all is to increase the transparency of business processes in the company. This does not mean that every employee should see the sometimes sensitive information. The comprehensive rights management in work4all allows you to restrict software functions, viewing rights, clients, items or customer groups and objects (e.g. incoming invoices).

Quick allocation through rights profiles

Almost every function in work4all can be restricted by access rights. This way you don't lose track of employee rights, you can group employees using rights profiles.

The work4all app and the mobile warehouse software has its own rights, which you can maintain in the same place.

Rechteverwaltung der Mitarbeiter in work4all nach Kunden, Interessenten, Marketing.

Viewing rights for customers, suppliers or items

In addition to software functions, certain customer groups, supplier groups or product groups can also be restricted via rights management. This can be useful, for example, when it comes to complex sales structures based on postal code areas.

Object protection for individual documents

In everyday business life, employees are generally allowed to see incoming invoices, but individual cases involving sensitive information should be hidden. A good example would be incoming invoices from freelancers who were employed by your company in the past. With object protection, you can hide individual objects in work4all.

Bei der Eingangsrechnungsliste werden per Rechtsklick die Freigaberechte je Abteilung geändert.
Die Rechteverwaltung von work4all wird angezeigt.

Tenant rights for access to multiple companies

You organize several companies in work4all using so-called tenants, so each of your companies has its own database. You can switch back and forth flexibly between your companies. In tenant rights, you can control who of your employees can see the data of which company in your group of companies.

Technical topics/rights management

Feature overview

Functional rights for almost all work4all functions

Department rights for departmental level authorizations

Rights profiles for quick allocation

Permissions for work4all updates

Tenant rights for managing multiple companies

Own rights management for work4all mobile and work4all warehouse mobile

Property protection for individual objects such as documents, projects, incoming invoices