Items with multiple components

Parts lists as a compilation of several articles or assemblies

Mit Stückliste wird ein Musterangebot erstellt.

Create a set of several articles for the production process or make it easier for yourself to enter several components — the work4all parts list module for inventory management has a wide range of applications. In combination with our production module, parts lists can also be processed as a production order.

Bills of materials for sample offers

Here, the bills of materials acts as a collector of several offer items. This is how a complex bill of material can be used with a single parts list range create without missing positions or redundancies. For the customer, each bill of material component appears as a separate item.

Bills of materials are a real relief for the rapid creation of standard offers, which can of course be expanded individually.

Mit Stückliste wird ein Musterangebot erstellt.
Ansicht Stückliste für die interne Bearbeitung sowie die Ansicht für Kunden

Bills of materials as an assembly

The bills of materials contains all components of the assembly, with the corresponding quantities of all components. If necessary, the quantities can be adjusted and components added or deleted. The stocks of components are quickly checked and the required items ordered.

The customer only sees the name of the manufactured article, possibly including the list of components.

You decide what your customer sees

In work4all, parts lists have six so-called “forms of resolution”. This means that bills of materials (BOM) in offers, orders, invoices, etc. can be presented in different ways, including:

  • Only the BOM header, without the components (e.g. for offers)
  • Only the BOM header for the customer, but all components internally, for example for production
  • All components without the BOM header, e.g. when assembling several items
Auflösungsform von Stücklisten
Production/parts lists

Feature overview

With calculation function as a calculation aid or with a fixed price, e.g. for set prices

6 different forms of resolution for presentation in offers, invoices, etc.

Individual adjustment of the bills of materials is possible, even retrospectively from commercial documents such as offers or orders

Configurable standard for resolution format

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